Nadya Suleman wanted to look like Kim Kardashian.
In our exclusive interview with someone near a large supermarket
that sells delicious chocolate desert and fresh picked strawberries,
that many celebrities like to buy, we found out that we didn't know
the real truth behind Nadya Suleman's celebrity look.
While many people think that Nadya Suleman did something
to make her look more like Angelina Jolie it may not be what she
really had in mind.
The person near a supermarket said that he heard that Nadya
actually wanted to look more like Kim Kardashian, that she always
liked Kim and Kim's mom who also has many children.
Both, Nadya and Kim have dark hair, dark yes, puffy lips and
both are natural beauties.
It's possible that in the future Nadya Suleman may join the same
gym that Kim goes to and do the same exercises that Kim does
to get a body similar to Kim's.
Do you think Nadya should change her look ?
Ecological and trash friendly designer bag.For the fraction of the cost.

entertainment and normal folks everywhere around the world.
Even Nadya Suleman might probably find it amusing.
With so much wildness being expressed at different places on the Web on this matter, this person's page is just a baby talk. It's not in support of Nadya. It is not too hostile or violent, for a change,
It looks like a guy has rich imagination and a hard time
accepting the impossible. He can't do the things a woman can do.
But he can do his own thing. In his own way.
He can create. And joke like a guy.
And we know guys. They don't always mean it when they say it
and they don't say it when they mean it.
So one should feel lucky if the guy in their way is not too mean at least.
What do you think? Please comment.
Finishing college. Time for more classes. How about a class in reality?
It's been some 4 or 5 years of hard work. You studied hard, you partied hard, it's time to start getting paid for all the things you've learned and all the things you've endured. Now it's just work, no more homework. And all that money that went pay for all that knowledge is the money well spent.
Of course it is! All you need to do is find that place, that job, that company that will appreciate your knowledge and skills, be able to compensate you for it and generally feel lucky to have you join their establishment.
Of course it's not an easy job to find all that in one place but does anything worth having ever come easy? Sometimes. Not on a regular basis.
So off to work to look for work one needs to go. And if you have waited for all those 4 or 5 years to start looking, you have waited some 4 or 5 years too many. It may take longer than you thought it should. It may actually take much longer than that.
So to have it happen sooner what is the best thing to do? Do it while you wait. Do it like you do your homework. Always.
And if you always do your homework your chances to have better grades are better.
What other obvious things are for your consideration?
Ann Hartter offers a few of them.
1. Many jobs do not require nearly as much intelligent thought as school does:
Finding a job that challenges you intellectually will be something you have to fight to find, as it will not be handed to you. This often will mean expanding your own job description or looking for something new.
2. Getting called on in class and being graded is nothing like being told what to do for eight hours every day: In school, you are largely free to make your own decisions about how to use your time. While you are generally expected to show up for class and complete assignments by their deadlines, the only person who is ultimately affected by whether you do these things or not is you, so no one (except maybe your parents) will breathe down your neck to get them done.
In the work world, your boss, whose boss is breathing down his neck, or your clients whose money is at stake, will put pressure on you to complete your work when they want it done (usually yesterday), not when you feel like doing it.
3.When you’re used to moving around all day, sitting at a desk for eight hours can be absolutely mind-numbing and even physically painful: In college, you at least have to get up to walk from one class to the other every hour or so. You may even have breaks between classes and fun activities built into your day, like sports or music lessons.
Sitting in the same desk and focusing on the same subject day after day for hours on end with only lunch, bathroom, and coffee breaks is probably a lot more monotonous than what you’re used to, even if your job has some variety built in.
4.Work doesn’t change as often as school does: In high school, you change classes once a year (sometimes once a semester), and in college, you change classes once a semester (at some schools, once a quarter). At work, you’ll often do the same work year after year, surrounded by the same people. While you’re likely to get very efficient at these repetitive tasks and very comfortable with these people, you may not get the stimulation you’re used to. Keeping life interesting by taking the occasional class, learning a new skill, meeting new people, or reading a good book becomes your own responsibility.
5.They usually don’t teach you basic job skills in college: Learn how to send a fax and make a long distance phone call from a land line before you get to your first job. Skills like these are incredibly basic to the work force. You’ll be expected to know how to do them; no one will teach you. You’ll waste a lot of time and look foolish if you don’t come to work already knowing how.
6.Being good at studying doesn’t mean you will be good at working: The skills that you need to excel in school are not always the same skills you need to excel in the workforce. The ability to think critically and adhere to deadlines will certainly continue to serve you well, but many of the skills that you learn outside the classroom will be much more important than the knowledge that you gained inside it.
Post your own fantastic advice ,if you have one or two, in the comments area.
Nadya Suleman's amasing family. And her 14 children.
Having 14 children. It's so much fun.
It's 14 times more fun than just having one.
Having 14 children. It's so much joy.
It's 7 times more joy than having two you enjoy.
If there's a hard work- we know us.
Like the other hard work this too shall pass.
Having 14 children. You might agree
It's almost 5 times more laughter than just having three.
Having 14 children to open the door
It's more than 3 times more Birthday gifts
Than having only four.
Having 14 children. It's like being in Heaven
With twice as much happiness
Than in the Heaven Seven.
All 14 will get so much love.
Every one of them.
Their 13 brothers and sisters
Are always there for them.
They came into this world. And it's a good place.
They'll be adding to it's beauty at their own pace.
And Mommy knows- they are safe and alright.
Everyone is unique, strong and kind and bright.
Image courtesy of wardomatic
I wrote this for Nadya Suleman who gave birth to 8 babies on January 26, 2009 in California when having 6 other children aged 2 to 7 at that time.
2009 Rina Riney.
Sell a pen.Sell anything.You don't need Negotiating Skills.You need a manual.
You need a good manual. And now you have it.
Would you buy a pen from me ? Only if I were an Office Depot ?
But I am not. And you will buy this pen from me anyway.
Well, if I were Darin George, you would. It seems like Darin George would have you buy anything if he were to sell it to you.
Below is the complete instruction on "How to sell a pen (or anything for that matter)."
Welcome to our pen company! My name is Darin George; and you are? Tom? Great, nice to meet you.”
“Is this the first time you have been to our pen company Tom?”
“Did you know that we are one of the largest pen companies in the world?”
“We have been in business since 1968 and produce our pens in New York City.”
“So what features are you looking for in your new pen or pens?”
“Any color preference, blue or black ink?”
“What style of pen are you looking for?”
“Who will be the main user of this pen?”
“Is the pen going to be used for business or personal use?”
“Is there anyone else involved in the purchase?”
“Great. I’d like to show you our newest pen. It sells for $10.00 and has been designed with many special features…” (You would do a product presentation now.)
“Please test the pen on this paper.” (You would do a product demonstration now.)
“How do you like the feel and flow of the pen?”
“So, have we selected the right pen for you?”
“Do you have any other questions regarding the pen or our company?”
“Great. If there was anything preventing from getting this pen right now, what would it be?”
Scenario #1: No customer negotiations
“Great I’ll wrap it up. Will that be cash or credit, Tom?”
Scenario #2: Customer wants to negotiate
“So Tom you want a discount? Well we don’t do that here, but I’ll see what I can do for you.”
“Okay, what I’m going to do now is pull out a worksheet and go over the details on the pen you want. As I told you before this pen sells for a price of $10.00.”
“Like I said earlier we don’t negotiate our prices, but what if I could sell it to you for $9.95?”
“No? What price were you thinking?”
“You want to pay $9.00? Maybe we’re not looking at the right pen. I can show you some of our less expensive ones.”
“No? You want this one? Well how did you come up with the number of $9.00?”
“I cannot do it for that price. I am trying to be flexible with you, what if I could do it for about $9.90?”
“You’ll pay $9.50? Okay, I can see you are being a bit flexible too. I’ll go and talk with my manger and see if we could do it for $9.85.”
“No? You want me to tell her $9.70? Okay give me one minute, I’ll be right back.”
“Great, my manager has approved the sale at $9.75. Okay? Done. I’ll wrap it up. Will that be cash or credit, Tom?”
The pen is sold. No more questions.
Now you can enjoy your pen. Thanks to Darin George .
Other things from Darin George can be found at
Funny Stupid things people write in a resume.
- - - - - - Hire me not. The best of the bad resume examples.
* Please disregard the attached resume-it's completely outdated.
* Reason for leaving : Recently married. Desire to travel.
* I sold my house and now live in my RV. I'm able to travel and relocate if needed.
* I can work hard with no breaks.
* Objective: Decent pay, decent benefits and no complains.
* My previous boss told me I'm not accurate enough. But my parents told me I can be anything.
* I have a problem expressing myself. You have to see me in person.
* Please overlook some of my personal qualities and interests.
* I expect my salary commiserate with my experience.
* I think I'm an asset to any company, although I don't think of myself too much.
* If I don't qualify for this job I'll find another.
* I don't like to deal with customers that are abusive.
* I'm flexible with my responsibilities.
* I can ruin a whole store if hired.
* My previous employer requested that we were at our desks by 9:00 am every day.
Couldn't handle that much pressure.
* This is a ruff draft of my resume.
Have you come across some funny things people write in the resume ?
Post them in the comments area.
Non responsive communication Reaction to criticism Silent answer.
Silent answer. What about the feelings?
A woman writes:"Not responding to criticism, hurtful actions, or words has been my instinctive reaction, or should I say non-reaction... Just allowing people to "be" around me, without reaction, has lead to me getting walked over in my relationships...I've allowed the rudeness towards me to continue by not standing up for myself and just "observing". I actually had a friend say to me, "I can't believe how you let people talk to you, why don't you ever stand up for yourself"....not reacting to these types of situations is supposed to be the enlightened way to be, but something about it feels wrong...."
The conflict between what it is and what it should be or between how it feels and how it should feel arises from the perception of the act not from how you respond to it. If you feel the action of someone toward you is unjust that is what determines the feeling and it's not likely to feel right.
When the choice is made on how you should respond to a particular type of verbal communication coming from someone it's important to decide on how you want to feel about it in addition to how you're going to respond to it.
There's a widely known expression: "You can change they way you feel".
And also another one: "If you believe you can - you can". You can try applying this two in a situation when someone is abusing one of the basic rights- Free Speech.
Start Marijuana Business Medical Cannabis
If you want to start selling Medical Marijuana here are the resources
for you to use to get a better idea what is involved in the process.
You may consider selling, growing, distributing Medical Marijuana
and create a positive example in the business following legal guidelines
and Law permitted practices.
Resources :
Information on Sales Tax and Registration for Medical Marijuana Sellers
Your guide to profits in the legitimate marijuana market.
Answers to questions about doing business in marijuana and related trades.
Please come back and comment if you found this resources helpful
or if you know of other places that offer useful suggestions.
Balance Transfer Credit Cards: Get the Most From Your Balance Transfer
Balance Transfer Credit Cards: Get the
Most From Your Balance Transfer
Author: Stephanie AndrewsDo you have a nagging balance on one of your credit cards? Did you know you can pay it off, and save hundreds of dollars at the same time? A balance transfer credit card will help you do just that. This type of card lets you bring over an existing balance or loan and pay it off at a lower interest rate. Here’s how to get the most out of a balance transfer credit card.
Transfer the Balance
Before applying for a balance transfer card, you’ll want to check out your options. First look at the fees involved, as these may vary from card to card. Many companies charge a certain amount to bring over an existing balance. The usual rate is around 3 percent of the total amount, and some cards include a cap of $50 or $75. In most cases, the money you save in interest will outweigh the cost of transferring.
Also compare the interest rates. Balance transfer cards usually come with a 0% APR period. This means that you will have a certain time, usually between six and twelve months, during which you will not be charged any interest. You can use this time to pay off the balance.
Get the Most from it
Once you’ve found the best balance transfer card to apply for, it’s time to pay off the debt. Ideally, you will want to pay it off within the initial zero percent interest timeframe. Say you transfer a balance of $2,400 and you have twelve months of 0% APR. All you need to do is put $200 toward the debt each month for twelve months. Pay that amount at the beginning of each month, or every time you receive a paycheck.
Think about it: if you pay off the $2,400 balance on the card within a year, you will save hundreds of dollars. If your previous card charged 18% APR, and you carried the balance for a year, you would have to pay $432 in interest! That is a significant savings.
If it becomes difficult to pay $200 each month, reduce the amount you pay to $150. Then keep paying that amount until the entire balance is paid off.
Use the Card
Many experts recommend paying off credit card debt before using a new card. This rule of thumb applies to balance transfer credit cards too. Some cards are set up so that if you make new purchases, the amount you pay each month will first be applied to those, and then to the transferred balance. This can make it hard to pay off the balance in its entirety. To avoid problems, don’t use your new credit card right away. Put it in a drawer until you have paid off the balance.
Once the debt is paid off, you can begin using the card. Many balance transfer cards come with additional perks such as rewards programs or cash back options. So when you start shopping with the card, you will receive even more benefits. Try to pay off the amount on the card each month to avoid interest charges and late fees.
A balance transfer credit card can help straighten out your finances. Apply online for one today and you’ll notice the difference right away. Soon you’ll be debt-free, thanks to your credit card.
Click Here to Find Balance Transfer Credit Card Offers
Stephanie Andrews is a contributing editor of the website , a credit card directory where you can apply for a new card with online applications.
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0% APR Credit Cards - Are They Right For You?
0% APR Credit Cards - Are They Right For You?
Author: Stephanie AndrewsAs you look for a new credit card, you'll find that many offer a feature known as 0% APR. This means you will not be charged interest for a certain period of time after you sign up for the card. Is this condition worthwhile? Or should you be searching for other benefits? Read on to learn what's involved in 0% APR offers, the advantages of them, and whether or not they are the right pick to add to your credit card collection.
A Look at 0% APR
APR stands for "annual percentage rate." It is a term that refers to the interest rate that will be applied to the balance on your card. It is usually expressed in a yearly rate.
Many credit card issuers offer an initial 0% APR, or interest-free, period. This usually lasts between six and twelve months. It can apply toward new purchases, balance transfers, or both. After the 0% APR period expires, a regular interest rate sets in.
What to Look For
Before you apply for a 0% APR card, you'll want to check some important details. First, find out what the 0% APR applies to. If it can be used toward balance transfers, you may want to bring a balance over from a card that has a higher interest rate. You can pay off what you owe during the introductory period. By doing so, you'll save a bundle in interest charges.
You'll also want to look at the time period involved. 0% APR offers are only valid for a certain amount of time before they expire. The exact amount can vary, depending on your credit history and score. In some cases, you may find a card that offers 0% APR for "up to 12 months." Take careful note of the phrase "up to." It usually means that only those with very good credit will receive the longer time frame.
More to Consider
In most cases, the 0% APR feature is very beneficial. It gives you a chance to bring over an existing balance and get rid of it, or make a new purchase and pay it off, interest-free. It can save you hundreds of dollars in interest in just a few months.
The 0% APR feature is not the only item to look for in a credit card, however. Be sure to consider the regular APR. When the initial interest-free period ends, this rate will set in. You'll also want to take note of any annual fees involved, other rewards offered, and the various finance charges.
If you plan to pay off your balance each month, the 0% APR feature may not mean as much. If you do regularly carry a balance, you might want to consider a credit card that has a regular low fixed interest rate. This will ensure that over a long period of time, you will not get bogged down with high interest payments.
For many consumers, the 0% APR credit card offers excellent benefits. Before applying for one, make sure that all of the card's features fit your needs and lifestyle. Once you get the card, take advantage of the initial interest-free period. Pay off an existing balance, or make a large purchase and pay it off over the next few months. You'll come out ahead, with plenty of change to spare.
Click Here to Find 0% APR Credit Card Offers. Stephanie Andrews is a contributing editor of the website - a credit card directory where you can apply for a new credit card with secure online applications. Visit now to compare all of the best online credit card offers.
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